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Destroy Bike Co.

Destroy Bike Co. Destroy Bike Co.

Destroy Bike Co. Destroy Bike Co.

Destroy Bike Co.

01 About

Crafting some of the most evil frames in existence, Destroy Bike Co. is located in Portland OR, amongst a thriving cycling community and cyclists’ playground. 

At Destroy Bike Co. we offer high-quality steel frames and framesets for both custom and production markets while also offering a range of products under the Destroy Bike Co. brand.

With every step of production done in-house, quality is taken into account at every level, from first cut all the way to powder coat.

Early on Destroy formed deep roots in the FGFS community that extended into the track racing world. It’s been an epic journey to the present day with an extended quiver that includes geared frames and framesets. Founder and owner Sean Eagleton, alongside owners Tod Stevens and Matthew Kolling have been crafting and unleashing these evil frames since 2011 with the help of some amazing people we call the Destroy family.

03 Phone

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Our Work


Attend the Show

Come and talk to

Destroy Bike Co.

01 Time to the Event

02 Attend the show

Buy tickets early to save money and avoid disapointment

03 What to Expect

A multi-day trade event with consumer-facing days, as well as industry-only days for media meetings, content creation, and community building.
